Friday November 17 at 4pm in the Morrell Meeting Room

Join us for this author event.  Dr. Nobel will discuss his new book, Project UnLonely: Healing Our Crisis of Disconnection, which offers hopeful insight into our new world of loneliness.

About Project UnLonely:

Even before 2020, chronic loneliness was a private experience of profound anguish that had become a public health crisis. Since then it has reached new heights. Loneliness assumes many forms, from enduring physical isolation to feeling rejected because of difference, and it can have devastating consequences for our physical and mental health. As the founder of Project UnLonely, Jeremy Nobel unpacks our personal and national experience of loneliness to discover its roots and take steps to find comfort and connection.

About the author:

Jeremy Nobel, M.D., MPH, is a primary-care physician, public health practitioner, and award-winning poet with faculty appointments at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and the Harvard Medical School. He is the founder and president of The Foundation for Art & Healing, whose signature initiative, Project UnLonely, addressing the personal and public health challenges of loneliness and social isolation, has gained national visibility.

“In this powerful book, Jeremy Nobel shows us how using the arts and creativity as ‘a gateway to imagination and empowerment’ can not only empower us to combat loneliness and isolation, but also profoundly change our minds and bodies.”Susan MagsamenNew York Times bestselling author of “Your Brain on Art”