ROBERT McCLOSKEY: The Art of Wonder exhibit has closed.
Thank you to the thousands of people throughout the country and the world who visited, signed the guest book and shared your personal connection to McCloskey’s incredible illustrations and stories.
The illustrations return to the May Massee Collection, Special Collections and Archives at Emporia State University in Emporia, Kansas. We do not know where or when they will next be exhibited. If we receive word, we will share that information here, and on social media.
For a short time, you can continue to view the exhibit audio tour, featuring narration from curator Scott Nash of the Illustration Institute, using the STQRY smartphone app.
If you have any questions, please contact Joyce Fehl at jfehl@curtislibrary.com or 207.607.4157.
Special thanks to the Illustration Institute for curating and co-presenting this exhibition, and the generous and important support of our sponsors.
We leave you with this verse from Time of Wonder:
Take a farewell look
at the waves and sky.
Take a farewell sniff
of the salty sea.
A little bit sad
about the place you are leaving,
a little bit glad
about the place you are going.