Contact-Free Curbside Pickup of Books, DVDs, Audiobooks, and Other Materials
Q & A:
How long will it take to get my order ready? It could take up to 24 hours, but hopefully it will be faster! We will notify you when your order is ready to be picked up.
Can I order items from other libraries for curbside service? Yes! We can request materials from other libraries for you over the phone, or you can place your request through the MINERVA catalog.
What about overdue fines – can I pay those at curbside? Curtis no longer charges overdue fines!
How many items can I place on hold? We have a 10 item hold limit (per card). This does not include items you have checked out.
How long will the borrowing periods be? Most items have a three-week loan period.
Can I request items from the Library of Things? Yes!
Where do I park? There are a few designated parking spots near the front (Middle Street) entry.